Embassy of Australia
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Also accredited to the Kingdom of Bahrain, the Sultanate of Oman, and the Republic of Yemen

Useful Contacts - Eastern Province

Useful Contacts - Eastern Province

The Australian Embassy takes no responsibility for the actions, service, performance or fees of the organisations listed. They have been selected randomly with the aim of assisting Australian visitors to the Eastern Province.

Emergency Calls

Ambulance 997
Fire 998
Police 999
Traffic Accidents - to report 993
Directory Assistance - local 905
Directory Assistance - overseas 900
Talking Clock 963
Saudi Telephone 904
Mobile Telephone. 902
Electric Company 833 8000
Water Department 827 5222

Medical Centres

Assalama Hospitals 8644333
Al Mana Hospital 898 7000
Gulf Medical Centre 8981062 


Dhahran International 330 5000
Gulf Meridien Alkhobar 864 6000
Holiday Inn, Al Khobar 858 8000
Holiday Inn, Dammam 833 3444
InterContinental, Jubail 341 7000
Sheraton, Dammam 834 5555

Courier Services

Federal Express: 857 9999
SNAS/DHL Courier Service 872 3022

Credit Card Providers

Now available at all major Banks 


List available at the Embassy upon request


British International School Al-Khobar (BISAK) 883 5425
Dhahran Academy 330 0555


Air France 864 0411
Air India 883 7905
Alitalia 833 5528
American Airlines 885 5472
Austrian Airlines 882 2467
British Airways 882 1790
Cathay Pacific 887 2017
China Airlines 882 0260
Emirates 897 9797
Gulf Air 898 0804
KLM 895 1234
Kuwait Airways 883 7682
Lufthansa 8837449
Saudia 8022 2222 (8 digits)
Singapore Airlines 882 4477
Royal Jordanian 883 7835

Travel Agents

Ace 894 4400
Bassam travel 864 9000
STTB 864 2076
STATCO 864 1930 


SAPTCO 834 2124

Airport / Flight Information

King Fahd International Airport, Dammam 883 5151
King Fahd Airport – Domestic 883 5152
Saudi Aramco Hangar, Dammam 877 4935
Saudia (international and domestic) 884 4200
Saudia Cargo (Airport) 891 1818 

Consulates - Eastern Province

United States Consulate 330 3200 
British Trade Office 882 5300

Embassies - Riyadh

Australian Embassy 01 488 7788 Fax 488 7973 
Austrian Embassy 01 480 1217 Fax: 480 1526 
Bahrain Embassy 01 488 0044 Fax: 488 0208 
Belgian Embassy 01 488 2888 Fax: 488 2033 
British Embassy 01 488 0077 Fax: 488 2373 
Egyptian Embassy 01 481 0159 Fax: 481 0463
German Embassy 01 488 0700 Fax: 488 0660 
New Zealand Embassy 01 488 7988 Fax: 488 7912 
Singapore Embassy 01 465 7007 Fax: 465 2224
Spanish Embassy 01 488 0606 Fax: 488 0420
UAE Embassy 01 482 6803 Fax: 482 7504 
United States Embassy 01 488 3800 Fax: 488 7360

Limousine / Taxi

Al Gosaibi 857 7711
Hala Limousine. 858 1100
Hanco Limousine 894 8441
Majestic – Aramco 876 8881
Samara Limousine 891 1500

Car Rentals

Budget Rent-a-Car 834 8901
Hala/Avis Rent-a-Car 857 7831
Hanco Rent-a-Car 894 9002
Majestic 894 6123